Meanwhile is an R&D project created by Fred Jones.

Grounded in the idea that your life’s work is an essential part of your vitality, Meanwhile is about exploring ways to step away from your routines and make room for new perspectives, projects, and possibilities to emerge in your work and life.


Available Interactions: 

  • Good questions can help us reflect. We may even be surprised by what we find ourselves saying. The Meanwhile Interview (FREE) is an opportunity to speak and be heard, perhaps at a point when you sense it would be good to catch up with yourself and search inside a bit more and make sense of where you are in your own story. 

  • There are times when your life is changing in a more significant way, like being at some kind of an inflection point or crossroads. Or simply moving from chapter to chapter in your own story. To explore how to approach such a period, The Meanwhile Consultation is a 90-minute conversation ($120) in which you sort through possibilities for making the most of this time.


Listen and Try:

  • Listen to Fred with Wendy Bittner on Cultivating Leadership’s Not Simple podcast.

  • Catch up with yourself and join with others for do The Weekly Review, flexible format for looking backward and forward. To use The Weekly Review reflection template, print this and do as much as suits you: GET TEMPLATE.

  • Fred Jones is available to speak to groups virtually or in person on Meanwhile-related themes:

    • Finding Your Way: Going forward when there are no good maps

    • Leading a Portfolio Life: Forming the parts into a whole

    • Challenges at Any Age: Don’t stop now

    • Designing Boundaries: Because the the world won’t do it for you

Meanwhile Quests are self-led pathways full of activities and resources with coaching built in. Each offers a way to step back from what’s going on these days and to sort out what it means to live your life fully as you go forward. Perfect for use in significant transitions or during full or part-time sabbaticals. Or with whatever time you can open up. A revised version of the quests will be available by July 2024.

Reorienting is about catching up with yourself as you and the world around you change.

Connecting is about being present and tuned in with whatever and whoever you are engaging. 

Pursuing is about you moving forward, investing time and effort in what matters to you.

Adjusting is about defining what you want to shift in the makeup of your life and how you engage it.

  • Take one at a time, or plan for all four.

  • Take one quest slow, or speed it up.


In this phase of the project, Fred takes on a limited number of clients who are interested in consultation or coaching and want help:

  • designing a full or part-time “working sabbatical,” with an option for Fred as a check-in partner/guide for the process.

  • advancing a project that might become a vital part of your life’s work.

  • Clarifying and redefining what, where, and how you want your work to generate value in the world. 

  • Reassessing and resetting the ways your work fits in with the rest of what’s important in your life. 

To contact Fred on something related to Meanwhile, write him a note:

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More related to Fred Jones:

Fred Jones, creator of Meanwhile, is deeply interested in how adults develop over the course of their lives and how they can learn through the challenges they face along the way. For more of Fred’s work, which today focuses on developing leaders, visit LinkedIn or Cultivating Leadership.